Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Song 234 – Beloved Saint Germain’s Coronation Hymn

BELOVED SAINT GERMAIN’S CORONATION HYMN To Saint Germain and Portia, Hierarchs of the Aquarian Age

All hail to thee, our Saint Germain Lord of the Seventh Ray
Enthroned by love in ev’ry heart We crown thee king today!
Enthroned by love in ev’ry heart We crown thee king today!

All hail thy love of Freedom’s flame Beloved Saint Germain
O take thy place, rule earth by grace Our star shall e’er be free!
O take thy place, rule earth by grace Our star shall e’er be free!

Thy love, thy strength, thy courage rare Thy wisdom do we see
May all God’s blessings flow to thee For all eternity!
May all God’s blessings flow to thee For all eternity!

And to thy blessed complement Goddess of Justice dear
We offer love’s deep gratitude For thy sweet presence here!
We offer love’s deep gratitude For thy sweet presence here!

May Saint Germain and Portia true Receive their full reward
And all who live on earth, we pray E’er magnify the Lord!
And all who live on earth, we pray E’er magnify the Lord!

Let men and angels homage pay Worship thy Light alway
Arrayed in glist’ning robes of white On thy ascension day!
Arrayed in glist’ning robes of Light On thy ascension day!

Great Central Sun and all thereon And pow’rs from heaven’s height
Bless God’s dear Son, our holy one And crown him Lord of Light!
Bless God’s dear Son, our holy one And crown him Lord of Light!