Ascended Master Teachings

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Quote: Elizabeth Clare Prophet on The Example of the Saints

1030.tif“We see in the life of Jesus Christ and Moses and the prophets and the apostle Paul and the saints who have walked with us these two thousand years, as well as in that of the Masters of the Far East, that there are certain known factors in life and in what we face as we master each of the seven planes of being through the seven chakras.

These are not different, but they are the same tests given to all. They may be clothed in different guises in different centuries, but when it comes down to the moment of Truth, as for the testing, the temptation, and the trials, there are givens and there are knowns.

Therefore, by acquainting ourselves with the lives of the saints, we may know what to anticipate and not be dismayed when we ourselves as chelas, or our leaders or the Ascended Masters, come under the reproof of the fallen angels upon earth.”

Elizabeth Clare Prophet – March 17th, 1985 – Saint Patrick’s Day Address