Ascended Master Teachings

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It is Most Important to Eliminate Fear

“The fearful–have you ever seen people that are so fearful that they’re afraid to trust God? afraid to act? afraid to speak out and declare the truth?  God doesn’t like the fearful.

And Archangel Michael knows that and that’s why he keeps coming periodically and says, “Give me your fear and I will give you your my faith.”  We have to burn out the fear that lurks within us by the sacred fire–fear to do the will of God, fear to bring all things before the Lord for judgment, all of our actions and our deeds, fear to confess, fear to put on a greater mantle of responsibility, fear to give of our substance for the building of the kingdom, fear to put in those long hours of work and decrees and prayer that we know are necessary for the saving of the nation.  All of those fearful–those who retain that fear become part of the second death.  And so the list goes on and you can contemplate what is the metaphysical meaning of these.

The whoremongers, not only those who misuse sex but those who go after the spirits that mutter and peep in their psychic predictions and in their astrology, the worldly astrology, and in their seances and in their–all sorts of things, or using cards, etc. idolatry–those who worship themselves and one another and so forth.  So those characteristics and conditions of the fallen ones have no part of the new people.  If we are literally moving into God Consciousness with a sword and a razor’s edge of what is the most important thing to do, it is to eliminate from our own consciousness every vestige of these type of people, the unbeliever, the abominable, the murderers. ”

From “Messenger’s Welcome:  They Sung As It Were A New Song”
A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
July 1, 1978

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