Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Teaching on “Call No Man a Fool”

“So I want you to know that the Bible says, “Call no man a fool.” When you are tempted to say, “You fool,” to someone, I can assure you that all hell will break loose and everything that is attacking that person will now come to your doorstep and you must be able to prove that you are not a fool. And it is often more than most people can survive.   

I saw an individual call someone a fool and within two weeks be totally taken over by the sinister force and leave the staff and leave the organization; because he could not survive the entities and demons that were attacking this other individual [interruption]. 

Now, I think it is important for you to realize that you are being filled with light. You are balloons of light, your auras are a juicy morsel of ripe fruit, ripe for the picking of the fallen ones. And you have your own karma to deal with, you have your own psychology to deal with and you have the forces of darkness who would like to take that light from you. And I have seen such attack come upon the students when they have left Summit University with such light that I appealed to El Morya for a solution to the problem.   

And his solution was the Ashram training program. He felt that people needed to be able to have the firm base of support of light in the Ashram as they would reintegrate with the world in a profession, in education, and also interacting with other groups so that they could maintain that decree 

momentum and maintain their study while coming to grips with living in the world as a new person. Being born again, being drawn into the light, you cannot go back to your old ways and you may not necessarily be able to go back to your old friends because you have certain standards that you must live by.”

From a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet – The Teachings of the Goddess of Liberty – November 28, 1979

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