Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Instruction on Writing Decree Inserts

Given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1st, 1977, during the “Energy is God” conference in Pasadena California.

In this amazing lecture to a group of conference attendees, we learn some very important things about writing decree inserts, how to research and write about world conditions and how to practice the level of self-mastery that will help us change current and long-standing world conditions through the power of our concentrated calls and decrees.

Instruction on Writing Decree Inserts – 49m 59s long.

Transcript of the Lecture, thanks to our dear departed friends from Editorial for this one!

ECP:  Bravo. (Audience laughs and applauds.) That’s when you don’t know what plane you’re in, (audience laughs) when you hear music like that. Won’t you be seated? (Interruption.)

I’d like to talk to you now about dealing with the energies that impinge upon the sheath or the auric envelope of the psyche of the community of the New Jerusalem. I’d like to point out to you that there are certain key decrees in our decree book that form the foundation to a pattern of inserts, and those decrees are 7.03, 7.05, and 10.14. A typical pattern for inserts can also be seen in simply looking at decree number 7.00, 7.01, and 7.02. Those are the threefold omni decrees. And I would like to tell you how they came about because I think you are going to be writing your personal omni decrees for many years to come.

When I first found out about the ascended masters and their teachings and about the power of decrees, I got so excited about everything that decrees could do, that I began calling to Astrea and to legions of light and the hosts of the Lord to encircle conditions that I could see manifesting. I was in Washington, DC, at that time; I had been called by El Morya to come there and to be trained through Mark to be a messenger.

I had a job. I was working and on the way to work by bus, I would look all around me, I would look at the people, I would let my consciousness attune with their souls. I would look at the city, read the newspaper when I was allowed to do so by El Morya, which was not all the time; because he did not want me contaminating my consciousness during the period, certain periods, of my training.

But what I began to do was to list conditions that I saw had to go if the world was going to receive the ascended masters and we were going to go into a golden age. So, I started writing them down and they became what is now the third paragraph in the threefold omni decree, number 7.00, 7.01, 7.02. The third paragraph begins with the listing of conditions (third paragraph of Decree 7.00 given.)

Now, by the time I had my list together, it was the combination of all three of these omni decrees. Well, that was getting pretty long; so, I brought this conglomerate of things that I had listed to my teacher, to Mark and to Morya, and they said break it down into three sections, so that it can be given and people will want to give it. So, I realized that there were categories in the things I had been listing: There were personal and world problems, there were social and religious problems, and there were political and economic problems.

So the threefold omni decrees were written and Mark told me that as a result of writing these, K-17 had taken note of the fact that the new generations of light-bearers was on the move. And this would be the archetype of the consciousness of the young people who would be coming into contact with the teachings of the masters; that they would use their ingenuity to solve the problems of the world by the science of the spoken word.

Now, I’d also learned from Morya and Mark then, that each time you say the name of an ascended specifically, you are making a very intense contact with that master, with the causal body. You are pouring your devotion to that master, and so the return is very great. In other words, there is more power in a decree where you put more names in the preamble than where you just say a few names and then the entire spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Well, obviously you can’t name all these names every time you decree; and so, many of our decrees have short preambles. But in these three omni decrees, I took every name of every ascended master that I could find, that in my research I could determine we had had dictations from up to that time.

Since then, more have been added, notably, this evening’s master, beloved Maximus. His name was not revealed to us at this particular time. So, the omni decrees are not simply the listing of all the world problems, but they’re listing, also, the maximum order of ascended masters available to us in the hierarchy.

So, the pattern is invoke the maximum help from the plane of Spirit, then give the command. The command is the second paragraph (second paragraph is Decree 7.00 given), then name the conditions to which you specifically desire to direct God’s energy. Once you have named the conditions, then you give the closing, you give the conclusion to your invocation of light, which says, (closing paragraph of Decree 7.00 given.)

Now, that’s a very important part of that decree because removing the cause and core of the condition of darkness is not enough. If you leave a vacuum, other darkness will fill it. And, therefore, you want to replace it and you want to name the consciousness of God, which you desire to replace it. And the cosmic threefold flame contains all of the Trinity, and therefore, is a very succinct (way) of putting a lot.

If you want to name more, you can. (Continues closing paragraph of Decree 7.00) The ten thousand times ten thousand is that which was announced to us by Lord Maitreya back in Washington, in which he said that every time we decree, our decrees would be multiplied by the power of the ten thousand times ten thousand. That was the dispensation given through the Cosmic Christ. And I believe it was Omri-Tas who reminded us of that. He said, remember, every time you give a decree‑-or was it Astrea? Every time you give a call to Astrea, one hundred million souls receive the action of that call. That is not a new dispensation. It came from Lord Maitreya. Ten thousand times ten thousand is one hundred million. So every time you make a call that is, in fact, true.

So we’re calling upon that power because it is a dispensation. And even though it is, the law is supposed to act; we are reinforcing its action and its penetration into this flame, into this plane, by having it in this ending here. (Continues closing of Decree 7.00) Now, that is what is called “maximizing” your call. (Repeats last sentence of closing Decree 7.00.) In other words, you’re just asking your decree to geometrize and to keep on geometrizing until every soul on the planetary body is ascended in the light and free.

So your decrees, technically, should just keep on going in octaves of light. And then, the closing; the decree is given three times, and then the closing. “This I decree, in the name and by the power of Almighty God in full faith that where God is there I AM”, which means you are placing yourself, your threefold flame, your Christ consciousness, your I AM Presence everywhere that God is. In order to fulfill this decree, you are taking your stand; you are affirming your presence with God; so that, through your being everywhere in space, like the Buddha, the action of the call is lowered through your heart flame. Then you have the science of the immaculate concept, which is stated here (repeats closing of 7.00).

You are stating the law of the unreality of causation in the relative world of cause and effect. You are stating that where there is the limitless Presence of God, where it is confirmed by the science of the spoken word, evil‑-or the energy veil‑-cannot exist. Indeed, it does not exist; it only exists in appearance. It only exists because we give it life by our attention, and millions of other people upon the planetary body give it life by their attention. So, by that affirmation of what is real, you have set a matrix of he law that also acts as a fiat to fulfill itself. It’s an action of the emerald ray. So there is no energy veil, past, present or future.

In other words, time and space are just being rolled up in a scroll as we decree. Even if this energy veil calls itself persons, places, conditions, things, or circumstances, habit, organization, or history; no matter what it combines itself into‑-what forms and forcefields‑-it still is not real if it is not the reality of absolute God-Good. It is real in the temporal spectrum of the relative. Because man has created it, man has endowed it with life. Therefore, it is necessary to decree on it to transmute the energy; because energy can be neither created nor destroyed. But the statement of the law is very important. It is a very cosmic sealing action. And therefore, at the conclusion of naming all these conditions of the human consciousness, we affirm that there isn’t anything but love anywhere and everywhere‑- “All is love consciously manifest, manifest, manifest, eternally sustained all powerfully active”, etc.

Now the masters have told us we shouldn’t give this type of decree unless we have a solid foundation of the violet flame, of protection from Archangel Michael, and even calls to beloved Astrea. Because when you stand with God to direct energy into the cause and core of, let us say, the Liar and his lie, as a term for the energy veil and the consciousness behind it; that light coming through you will awaken or arouse the carnal mind. When you let the carnal mind sleep, it doesn’t bother you. But when you wake it up by attacking it, then to defend itself, it must attack you.

So you find there is such a thing as a lash back of the dragon’s tail, the dragon figuratively for the carnal mind, which is depicted in the book of Revelation. So you want to have your forcefield set. “Jesus went into a mountain and when he was set, the multitudes came, the disciples came, and he taught them saying…” That’s Matthew five. He set himself in a situation always before he gave forth the teaching or the healing. He put himself in a boat, he arranged himself on a hillside. If he was going to be healing, he knew exactly where, when, and how; and he had his forcefield set for the release of that light. So we must do the same.

Now, people who have not understood the law of the penetration of matter, and specially people who have been tutored in metaphysics and, oh, certain teachings which it’s not necessary to name, but the kind of thing that doesn’t want to see, hear, feel, taste, or smell evil; you just want to withdraw from it and say it doesn’t exist. Well, it doesn’t exist if you invoke the light to consume it. It doesn’t exist if it is transmuted. But it exists in the consciousness of mankind, therefore, it must be dealt with directly; therefore, it must be named. This naming goes along with what Jesus did when he demanded the names of the demons that were infesting those whom he healed. He demanded the name, so he could name the condition, name the consciousness, and direct the light of God into it.

You who are scientifically minded should make an experiment where you have a condition that is a problem in your life. Try working on the condition by not naming it and not thinking about it and just giving general decrees, and see how fast it gets solved. Do it for a couple of days, then the third day or so, give your decrees specifically, where in every single decree you name the condition, you name the people involved, you name everything that’s involved that you can think of, that’s known to you, that comes to you. Name the whole thing and demand action on it. See the difference and you’ll prove the law for yourself. And then there is no need for argument because it’s obvious. You can try it again and again and it always is the same.
A typical situation that comes upon us, in terms of being chelas, is that, when we lose things, we can do one of two things: We can run around looking for them or we can call to Cyclopea and K-17 and Lanello to find them for us. Now, you can run around looking for things and you can be making general calls on all kinds of decrees; but the moment you say, “Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Cyclopea, reveal where this is!” I used to say, “Mighty Cyclopea, if you know where this is, please tell me.” So then I found out and realized, of course, that was rather insulting to Cyclopea. So then I used to say, demand it would be revealed. Well, it really does work but you have to prove it for yourself and that is the joy of the Path.

Well, 7.00, 7.01, 7.02, those are omni decrees; you can make up your own. Make them up starting with your own world, your own personal life, people you know, circumstances of your karma, your family, your nation, your race, your religion; things that have borne directly on your life since childhood. Put them in an omni decree until you feel they are consumed and then go on and you will have other conditions revealed to you. 7.03, the circle and sword patterns‑-where the inserts are marked, it shows you clearly‑-now in those places for inserts you can put the inserts that are in your decree books for 7.03; there’s inserts 2,3,4,5,6 on that sheet. They are interchangeable. They can be used all at once. One can be used alone, or you can take the inserts from the previous decrees 7.01, 7.00, 7.01, 7.02, and put them in the circle and sword pattern. Then you have 10.14, a very important matrix for the insertion of calls. 10.14, whatever you put in that is encircled by Astrea and gets immediate action by the circle and sword of blue flame. The inserts on the back of that are general inserts.

Now, finally, the other pattern for insert we use is 7.05. 7.05 is called reverse the tide. It is when you have energy directed, either consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, against you or the light for which you stand. You find yourself being burdened, heavily weighted down with a weight that you do not understand; it doesn’t even seem persona, you don’t have enemies and you just don’t know how to deal with the energy. Well, it’s coming from someone, somewhere because no energy is anywhere in the world except there is a consciousness behind it. Before a manifestation there has to be a thought; before the thought, a mind to think it.

So the universe doesn’t just happen, and neither do situations in our lives. Everything that happens has to have a consciousness behind it. We, we deal with a cause and we deal with an effect. The cause is the consciousness that thought it or felt, and the effect is the condition that manifested as a result. So, if you just deal with conditions, it’s just like mopping up the floor when the faucet is still running. You turn off the faucet, than you mop up everything and you can get rid of the water that’s on your kitchen floor.
Now, when that energy is being directed against the Christ light and the Christ consciousness of mankind by Fallen Ones, by general human density, by human habit patterns, or through the media, it will always rest upon those who have the highest attainment of the Christ consciousness and the highest awareness of God, because those are the ones who hold the focus of light, which the Fallen Ones would tear down. If they can tear down that focus, they can defeat the light before it spreads to the masses of the people who are the children of God. So, we need to defend the light for which we stand, our own Christ consciousness, our evolution, our Path, our soul in the state of becoming. We’re all in the state of becoming. You might say God is in the state of becoming too.

Well, there are times when there’s so much energy upon us, that we have to use the call ‘reverse the tide’. And there are many situations when nothing else will work but reverse the tide. Reverse the tide is the acceleration of the judgment and of the return of karma. All energy will cycle back to the one sending it forth someday. The question is do you want to wait for someday, and while you’re waiting for someday, are you going to be a doormat for this energy to cycle through you to make you sick, to make you burdened, even bring you to the point of death, or to destroy your family, to divide your marriage, to create hatred and schism among loves ones? Are you going to stand by an watch all this take place when you know that it is, in fact, the opposition to the light of the Christ?

No, you are not going to stand by and let it happen, and Morya instructs us that we are not going to stand by and let it happen. Therefore, those sending forth this energy must have it returned. They must deal with the energy they send forth. This is mercy, this is love, because that energy becomes their immediate teacher and the teacher instructs them that if you send out this type of energy, this is the effect it has on the body of God. They will only know what that effect is when they experience it in their own bodies.

And so, this is the justice of the law that must be implemented by those who elect to do the will of God. So as insert one, 7.05, you see, we’ve named the conditions of capitalism, communism, all sorts of manifestations in the takeover of the nations of the earth. We’ll reverse the tide and it’s a very good momentum and perhaps you have given this, this evening. Have you given it? So you understand that that has a momentum, it is an energy, it is a spiral, and it is a tool in your hands that you will find sooner or later. You will have to use it‑-and use it well‑-because it works when nothing else works.

Now, all of these points for inserts, wherever there is an insert, that is a decree that you can write‑-which you must write. You must learn to write your own decrees. And I’m commending you to write decrees according to these patterns that I have made: It’s 10.14, 7.00, 7.01, 7.02, 7.03, and 7.05. Those are your working decrees.

Now, how do you write the decrees? Well, you take a particular subject that you may be interested in, or you just take the evening news. You take notes on the evening news, write your notes down. When the news is over, you go to your room, put the notes you’ve written down into one of these decree patterns, and demand that the conditions be dealt with. And so, it will be done because God is the answer to your call.

Now you can do that every day. But where you have a specific problem of long standing, of global proportions, you do research on it. Maybe you go to the library, you read whatever has been written on the subject, you study the matter, you commune, you give calls to the Great Divine Director and Cyclopea for revelations, insights into the matter that may not be obvious. And when you have collected your data and your research, you sit down and you try to distill it down to a very concentrated list.

Because the more words you have and the more things you name, the longer it’s going to take you to give your decree; and the longer it takes you to give your decree, the less you’re going to give it because you have so many other decrees to give. So, if you can really distill it down to the essence and the core of what the problem is, and then have it, something that you give daily because you’re dedicated to the alleviation of this problem; you will be like the water that drips on a stone and makes the hole, you will be like the swinging of a, of a large… whatever they use, a large ball to knock down buildings. It’s that steady energy day by day that pounds upon the mass consciousness and you become the instrument of the ascended masters, sending their light into action, into the community of earth.

Now, some of our staff have listened to the lectures and have done research on the lectures and on all materials that have been written by the lecturers before they came. They have put together a list for each one of four subjects here in an insert form and this insert can be used in any one of the decrees that I have named.

Now, before we pass these out to you, I’d like to say that this happens to be the effort of one group of chelas. You, making the effort, might write a different decree. I have purposely not worked on these decrees because I don’t want you to feel that they’re the absolute final word, or that the messenger gave them, or the masters gave them, because that defeats the purpose of your individual creativity in the community. Each one of you may see different aspects to the problem that you want to tackle. Each one of you brings a different causal body, a different momentum of light, attainment, and understanding to the specific problem. You may want to give certain things that someone else may not wish to give.

The most important thing I want to tell you about writing inserts is that the inserts in our books, the inserts we’re going to pass out to you, the inserts which you and I write, should not be a pro or a con situation. In other words, you should not be able to say from reading it that we are for this, against that, we are right wing, we are left wing, we have this view or we have that view. Because the action of the light and of the ascended master’s circle and sword is needed by everyone, everyone in the human spectrum, the whole relative spectrum of human right and wrong, truth and error, and so forth; it all needs to be encircled.

I would be very happy if you included by name in your inserts because it’s not just the listing of the bad guys, it’s a listing of the problem, its ramifications, the activities that are surrounding this problem. Now, for some of us, we don’t know the answer to the problem and, therefore, what seems to be good in a situation may be very wrong from the standpoint of the ascended masters’ teachings.

I want to be free of political orientation and indoctrination in our movement because the ascended masters’ teachings transcend the valley of right and left wing politics; because the truth is contained everywhere in the spectrum‑-here and there. And the masters have told us in Morya’s White Paper that we should not be bound to an ideology, or to a compartment, but we should be bound to truth wherever it is found. We have found truth in our speakers who were from the extreme left, from the extreme right, and in the middle. Each one of them has had truth and I think each one of them has had a little error sprinkled in.

Now, there’s no point in us getting into a discussion of the right and wrongness of the human consciousness because the human consciousness is never right‑-God is right. So, why should we fall for that plot and that trick, and therefore, allow ourselves to be divided and to be conquered?

Jesus spun on his heels when someone said to him “good master,” and he turned around and he said, “Why callest thou me good? There is only one that is good and that is God.” So, if we can remember that, we’ll see God as good and we’ll see everything in the valley of the human consciousness as needing His regeneration, as needing the Elohim Astrea, needing the decrees, needing the intercession of the ascended masters’ consciousness.

If we can maintain that level, we will find ourselves appealing to the broad spectrum of our civilization where we find the children of God locked in every type of political, economic, religious theory that there is. And if we ourselves confine ourselves to one, we will eliminate all other peoples.

So really, it’s not smart in terms of representing the ascended masters to take issues to the point where you alienate people from the teachings. The teachings are our deliverance from all of these, these various ways. And it’s interesting as the centuries roll, how we see that our own views change embodiment after embodiment. And we find ourselves on very different sides of the social and economic spectrum and, therefore, having to espouse different causes because our karma necessitates that we take a stand for different causes in order to defend certain people who are in a certain interest group or certain level, because we have karma with them. So the championing of human rights takes many forms.

So, with the understanding that these are sample decrees that you can write, I am going to have these passed out to you now and we are going to look at them, we’re going to give them, and we’re going to say you can add or delete to your decree anything you want to. You can cross out words, you cam insert words; you can do whatever you wish to do because the science of the spoken word is very personal.

There are four decrees: One is an insert on the oil industry, one is the insert for genetic engineering, one is the insert on multinationals, one is the insert on limits to growth. The more you read, the more you will discover; the more we decree, the more we will uncover. As you decree and use the violet flame and the all-seeing eye and Astrea’s circle and sword of blue flame, conditions change. They are transmuted, they are removed; then you get to the next layer, and you may get to what’s underneath. You may find yourself discovering treachery and intrigue, deception.

I am convinced that the decrees of the ascended master students has had a lot to do with the exposure of the Lockheed scandals, Watergate, the revelation of, of corruption in all areas. We have done novenas to Cyclopea for as long as twenty-four hours with tags going on, where the decrees never stop for twenty-four hours; just to Cyclopea for the All-Seeing Eye of God on America.

So, I think that that type of decree work is changing, changing our continent, changing the earth. So that’s why sometimes inserts get outdated; so inserts are the changeable part of your decree book. The constant is the form, the constant are the mantras written by the masters. You look at the, the decrees in the colored sections; you find the poetry and the flow of real inner mantras that reflect the Electronic Presence of the masters and many of those written on the white pages. But the type of decree that tackles social conditions is the type that we are expected to write from our observations on this plane.

You know the Lord God sent his messengers to study the conditions of Sodom and Gomorrah before the judgment of that city. And it is true that in every age when a certain action was contemplated by the Lords of Karma, they first sent emissaries who came very close to our octave; in many cases, appearing to the prophets and to the ones who were closest to God, conversing with them, receiving their reports on conditions.

The masters use us to zero in on conditions as we use them. It’s a two-way street. The masters actually need us to do this type of investigation and to make our reports to the Lords of Karma. They want us to do it and as a result of this, when legions of angels come to the earth, who’ve been in the Great Central Sun, they’ve been in other systems of worlds, they don’t have to stop and read the records in the Book of Life or read the records of the Keeper of the Scrolls. We are giving our decrees, we are directing them into those conditions, we are telling them about the conditions in our decrees; so right away, they are into the very core of our society.

Sometimes we think that the allness of the mind of God is such that there’s no necessity for communication with the Lord’s hosts. Well, there is indeed necessity, that communication is important because it is focalization of consciousness that occurs in the ascended hosts. Wherever they focalize consciousness, there consciousness is. And just like we appreciate reporting, so do they.

Now, how many of you have the 4.94 yet? Okay. Let’s put that into circle and sword patterns here, 7.03. Are there enough for everyone? Are there enough decrees? Let’s just give it and after we give it you can see what you think is missing. We’re just going to give it once through A, B, C, without repeating. Together. (Decree 4.94 given) Now, while you are decreeing and you are in contact with the mind of God, through the ascended masters with whom you are working, you may receive flashes of conditions that should be named that are not in the decree. When you get a flash like that, turn the paper over and write it down, write down whatever you are thinking about that is not named.

Personally, I would start out the decree by saying, “All manipulation of the energy of the Mother and the abundance of the Father/Mother God for the children of God on earth”, and then go into the specific of he oil industry, so that you cover the whole thing right in the beginning. Now, as we start decreeing on this, we return to our home towns, we zero in on this everyday; we’ll find that things will come to light, things will start appearing in the newspapers, there may be congressional investigations and hearings on matters coming before Congress, which one of our speakers, Dr. Brown, said he thought would be coming up: the determination of when and where and how certain mineral resources can be extracted. So each time you see something new, you need to record it in your omni decree, you need to add it to your list.

Does anybody have a question so far?

ECP: Stand up, please, I can’t hear you.

Student: There seems to be a viewpoint of deregulating natural gas. Well, the implication is, it seems to me, that that is bad. It may be bad, it may be good, I don’t know.

ECP: Well, you’re talking about the lobbying to deregulate natural gas? See, the lobbying in itself may be from interest groups that… whose interests are money and not the interest of the people. As I’ve explained, it’s hard for us to remember this, I realize, when we are reading these, but Astrea’s cosmic circle and sword encircles the condition named and God only transmutes what is unreal; what is real and what is true will simply be enhanced. It will be like the cutting of the gem. It’ll sparkle more clearly and be a more clear focal point.

So, personally, I don’t consider myself qualified to judge what is right and wrong in this very complex spectrum. But I think that as I decree and I call to Cyclopea, as I study more and call to the Great Divine Director, it will be revealed to me. And as it is revealed to me, I may wish to re-write my decrees and so may you. So, as I say, this is the work of a group of chelas. You may write it differently and you have every right to do so because you are free unto your own Christ Self. And I really don’t want to get into a discussion tonight of the right and wrongness of these matters. Are there any questions on the technique that we are talking about?

Student: Is it better to go from the general to the specific or to the specific to the general, or does it matter?

ECP: I like to go from the general to the specific and then conclude, perhaps, with the general again‑-restated in a different form. But I think it is good for us to zero in on the general topic that we’re involved in and then to start listing the specifics. Just like you would write an outline.

Student: (Not audible.)

ECP: To do what?

Student: …our forcefield, will that help to keep our auric envelope out and do something, earlier…

ECP: Those particular decrees are not for the pressing out of the will from your heart to sustain your auric egg. These decrees are dealing with conditions in the world after you have sustained your auric egg by the mantras to the will of God, to the Great Divine Director, giving your “tube of light”, your violet flame calls, and your Archangel Michaels. Al that comes first, and then when you are set, then you let the energy charge forth from you.

Student: What kind of attitude or consciousness should we take in the giving of decrees?

ECP: We need to be very careful about the state of our consciousness in the giving of decrees. There is a state of zeal, of righteous indignation; there’s a stance of neutrality. I think each one has its place. And I have seen the ascended masters‑-and those are the beings whose consciousness I emulate‑-I have seen them in various states and they are not the reflections of the human consciousness, but they are the reflections of the individuality of God.

For instance, one day I saw Saint Germain come into Mark’s office on the day when there was a very, very grave injustice being done in the selling away of arms, technology, and wheat to enemy nations; nations who are avowedly out to destroy the United States. Saint Germain came in and he released such a charge of energy, and he said that the abundance of God, given to America, was not to be given away to those who were seeking the destruction of America. And you felt in his presence more than righteous indignation, you felt the wrath of Almighty God coming in the form of a judgment.

And I would like you to understand that the ascended masters are not subject to human emotion, but feeling is a reality in God. We have a feeling body and that feeling is intended to reflect the feelings of God. So, we have to be careful in giving our decrees that we do not cross the razor’s edge of getting into the human consciousness of hatred, of condemnation, of judgment, of pointing the finger, and getting all found up in playing God. We need to be certain that our consciousness reflects the I AM Presence.

And it is best, when we really don’t have a clear flow for the feelings of God because we are fledglings on the path; it is best to try to remain neutral in the sense of not being humanly emotional about the issue. But it is important that our voice and our decrees reflect a certain God-determination to come to grips with the problems.

That statement in the Book of Revelation, which Mark often quoted, “Thou art neither hot nor cold, therefore, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” So, you should be hot or cold about things and not just lukewarm. You need to have a stand and take a stand; and sometimes taking a stand you make a mistake, but that’s part of evolution. I mean, it’s part of your learning process; you take a stand, then God can teach you whether you are right or wrong on that stand. If you never take a stand, you never do anything, you never learn anything.

I hope that helps you and I hope you realize that it’s a very delicate question. Above all, you cannot have hatred and criticism and disdain, and so forth, in your aura. But to have the sense of the defense of the Divine Mother and her children, the defense of righteousness, that sense is a very important part of a certain zeal, as long as that zeal is not untempered. It should be a tempered zeal.

Let’s try 4.95 now. Let’s give it with the omni decree, number 7.00. This is the one on genetic engineering. I’d like to point out that the word somatic means that it cannot be inherited and genetic means that it can be inherited, and so, that’s just naming two types of engineering. A clone is a genetically identical organism and recombinant means recombining, taking apart and recombining, like we saw in the slides. Preamble to number 7.00, together. (Decree 7.00 given with insert number 4.95)

Now, it’s an interesting thing when you give an insert like this, you get a reading because the light goes forth from your heart and your I AM Presence to contact these conditions. You send forth the ray, there’s a return current and on the return current, you get a certain reading of the condition.

Now, the thing that I read in the giving of this decree with you for the first time‑-probably the first time in history that this particular subject has been tackled in this way by a group of lightbearers with this many ascended masters, etc. My feeling is that it’s a very sleepy, slothful, serpent, dragon type of consciousness; trying to be hidden, trying to be left in the background, trying to kind of just melt into the walls or into the mountains. It is definitely hidden and it is consciously and willfully being concealed by those who are working with it. And therefore, from that reading, I would add to my decree, “and all individuals known or unknown, embodied or disembodied misusing this science to the detriment of mankind and attempting to conceal it from the children of God.”

Now, I want you to learn to trust your impressions; trust what you are feeling, not to the point where you get fanatical and hysterical and start becoming psychic; because I’ve seen people start getting psychic, they start reading every little breeze that blows and pretty soon they’re more attuned to the human consciousness than they are to their own mighty I AM Presence, and they wind up being very imbalanced.

But you should trust when you are in a high state of attunement; you’ve given a lot of decrees, you’re calm, you’re impersonal, you’ve stepped back from the subject, you’re simply calmly directing God’s light into it. If you get a very definite impulse back, act on it. If it’s wrong, it exists somewhere because you’re feeling it. If you’re feeling it, it ought to be put into the flame, so write it down on the back of your sheet.

How many of you felt the same sort of thing in the giving of that decree? Okay, let’s take the next one 4.96. I think we’ll try giving “reverse the tide” on this. You’ll notice when you do your inserts that 7.05 is the insert that always has to have with it “take dominion now over”; “take dominion now over” is always the beginning of an insert that you have to add in order to adapt these to the “reverse the tide” section. (Interruption)

Okay, let’s take the preamble, together. (Inserts 4.96 and decree 7.05 given) (Interruption)

Now, I would probably add after “to consolidate their wealth and power” in this decree the last line, “all individuals embodied or disembodied, known or unknown, the consciousness behind these conditions, and the burden being carried by the children of God as a result of these conditions.

Now, if there is anything that is manipulative or out of keeping with God’s law in the commissions and corporations named, it will be dealt with. If there’s anything of the light, it will also be maximized. So, the calls maximize the light and consume the darkness. And so, you don’t have to be for or against what is being named. I would suggest, however, that these calls, in the hands of people who do not understand the absolute justice of the movement of light, could be considered whatever people would consider them from their standpoint.

So, I would like you to consider these as part of your private work as Keepers of the Flame and not something that you leave around or that you give out to people who are not Keepers of the Flame.

Now, let’s try this 4.97 with 10.14. I bet you just can’t wait to get home and sit down and write your omni decrees. Clean up the whole world, clean up your town. We will place 4.97 where it says, insert one, on the Astrea decree. Together. (Insert 4.97 and decree 10.14 given)

In the 7.05 “reverse the tide” decree, it is good to say, “take dominion now” and then say, “over all opposition to…” And that is where you can write a list of positives, of things you’d like to see happen, things that you feel ought to happen, and things that should be in manifestation in place of what is happening. For instance, “take dominion now over all opposition to the City Foursquare, it’s precipitation in Los Angeles, the drawing together of the lightbearers in the City Foursquare; all opposition to all souls who are destined for the path of the ascension in this life; all opposition to the ascended masters’ teachings and their publications and the consciousness behind it, all individuals connected therewith embodied or disembodied, known or unknown, with their causes and cores: Reverse the tide, reverse the tide, reverse the tide.”

And you can always end that with “directed against me or the light for which I stand, the Mother of the Flame, all Keepers of the Flame, staff and students of Summit University, and all people of God throughout the planetary body.” So, that “reverse the tide” will reverse the tide of the opposition to that crystallization of the God flame.

So it’s important to learn to write both types of decrees. When you’re writing to have the tide reversed, to reverse the tide on that which you are trying to precipitate. In order to write it, you have to collect your mind. You have to set down on a piece of paper, “Well, what is it I am really trying to do here and what is it that’s being opposed in my life?”

So, you sit down and you do the novena with the Great Divine Director, you give your calls to Cyclopea, you focus in on the condition. You say, “well, I should be doing this, this and this.” And then, you make a decree over it. “All opposition to my overcoming of this problem and that problem; all opposition to my divine healing and my perfect wholeness made manifest here and now; all opposition to my supply for Summit University; all opposition to my becoming a communicant of Church Universal and Triumphant, all opposition to my family as I study the teachings of the ascended masters.”

So there is no limit to your creativity in composing calls. As long as you put them in these patterns, as long as you always have a preamble, always direct yourself first to your God Presence, then to the masters, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood; and let all of your calls and prayers be sealings, be sealed with the statement, “let this call be adjusted according to the will of God.” And the adjustment is always made by your Christ self who is the regulator, governor, mediator of your life and your life’s energies. “Let this call be adjusted by my Christ self according to the will of God.” Then you will never be in a situation of calling for something and calling forth God’s energy to do that, which is not His will.

Now, you always have the protection of your Christ self in that instance, in any case, when you have the I AM Presence and the Christ self in your preamble. But nevertheless, it’s important to make that call to be sure, because this power is the all power of God and it has been misused over the centuries, over thousands of years. As soon as people have discovered the science of the spoken word, immediately they have used it to manipulate and control others through witchcraft, variance, and black magic. So I would suggest, therefore, that you guard yourself against that human, altogether human and idolatrous tendency. Are there any other questions on the technique?

ECP: Yes.

Student: Shall we become experts on specific areas or shall we have a general understanding of all areas because so much work is required.

ECP: I think we have to be both. I think we have to pursue a liberal arts type of education where we understand and have an appreciation for the world of science; even if we’re not, we don’t have a scientific bent. We have to have a basic understanding of economics, we have to have a basic understanding of government, and this is important. And this is what education should give our children; this is what Montessori International seeks to establish by high school graduation‑-a general understanding. Once you have the general understanding, you can give the general omni decrees on the entire situation that you feel drawn to, either by your karma or your dharma. And then you are going to specialize in that situation and do research on it, keep up-to-date on the latest discoveries, the latest happenings, what’s going on in this or that movement, and who’s thinking and who’s doing and who are the big names in that area. And it’s good, you should be specialists in something.
Student: (Not audible)

ECP: He’s suggesting a central point for funneling of information, the collection of articles. I would just be delighted if you would make it a daily practice of clipping your newspapers for articles on these subjects to have them a part of our Summit University files; and that when you write your omni decrees and do your research, you send to us a copy of your decrees because you may have done research that we have not done or no one else in the organization has done, and your effort will be helpful.

Now, when you write a decree and you make a list of items, you should send us the corroborating material; like footnotes from which you took your information. You can xerox materials in a library. You can cut out news clippings. But whatever you name, you should be able to give us your source and your reference, so that nothing is just … you know, something we dream up but very, very technical and very scientific. And you can mail that to me at Summit University and I will see that it gets to the right department, the right place.

Student: What kind of visualizations do you suggest?

ECP: We suggest that you see the circle and sword of Astrea around the entire earth and then around the particular conditions. We showed you pictures of people in the corporations, so that you would have a general idea of the types of people we’re dealing with. The more you can know about a situation, even visualizing the places, the cities, the streets with your third eye, then you are seeing the condition; with your heart you’re directing a very intense action of the sacred fire which is God’s energy flowing through you. Then you’re visualizing thousand and thousands of legions of angels with their flaming swords going into the cause and core of it, you visualize the armies of heaven. As much as you can see from what you have learned and studied of the Bible and of the dictations, you bring it all into play when you are decreeing. Your mind should not be wondering, your mind should be on God and the action of God into the conditions you are naming.

Student: You mentioned earlier a need for us to think on our own and put our ideas together. Now, is it possible to, sometime in the future, to do the decrees after we get into a problem, then, break up into small groups, possibly, and to get some insight into the problem?

ECP: You want to break up into small groups so that you can write a decree and give it?

Student: We’re receiving information from experts and we don’t want to trust experts at all. Is there anyway we can get together as a group of Keepers and actually get into these problems and share?

ECP: Is there a way to get together as Keepers of the Flame and share in these problems? Well, in your local towns you can do this, go home from a conference, take the information, build on it, come together, write your decrees and work on them. Where you are alone in a community, you’ll have to do it yourself. And where there is a place nearby, you can go to it.
In terms of working here during the conference, I think it’s a very excellent idea to have a workshop day at a general conference, where the whole day is a workshop for Keepers of the Flame to meet, discuss and work together in groups. But I think in preparation for that workshop, that people should come prepared with their research done on these conditions. So, perhaps, if you’d like, we can plan a conference where there is that extra day for people to get together and then we will send you a list of topics and then you can work on these topics and come with something in your hand to contribute. I think unless everybody prepares, you know, we could waste quite a little time with just discussing opinions.

Student: I think that would be extremely valuable.

ECP: Would you all like to do that? (Audience applauds) I can’t tell if the only people that want to do it are the people that are clapping? Can I ask you if we actually set aside a day before a general conference to do this, how many people would attend? Could you stand? Well, it looks like it’s worthwhile, I mean, it would be worthwhile to do.

I would like to say that‑-you can be seated‑-it’s not always possible for me to be involved in a day like that and, also, conduct a class. This has been a long conference for me. And I just quite haven’t caught up with it yet. And so, I would like to say that that kind of a day, you would have to conduct yourselves with your leaders from your teaching centers and, perhaps some staff members here, and Summit University students who are on campus at the time. And I think it could be a very exciting experience in interchange. Well, that’s all I have to say in this subject, unless there’s a very urgent question as the night is getting on. Is there an important question?

Student: (Not audible)

ECP: Well, using inserts naming names is fine. I think you need to do more than name names because it’s not just the people, it’s the energies using them. And they are most often not the source of what’s using them. They are just either ignorant or innocent tools or victims. So, naming names is all right but I think it’s, it’s limited. It’s very limited. But there is nothing incorrect about it because the light of God never fails and it will help the people. Why it’s New Year’s Eve again, isn’t it?
There’s only one thing to do when you’re climbing a mountain, you know, well, go on. If you need to break, please take it. We’ll prepare for the dictation with the song to the Lords of Karma number 88.

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