Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Dictations for Elemental Life

What are Elementals?

Mark Prophet said in an Ascended Master University lecture many years ago on July 9th, 1971 what Elementals are:

“What are elementals?  Elementals are creatures and I have always referred to them as God’s gardeners.  They are responsible for the development of the mineral kingdom, for the development of the flower kingdom and they are also used in ensouling group souls in animals.  So that the intelligence of the animal is basically an elemental intelligence.  There is an intelligence in flowers.  Flowers do respond to human touch.  People can have a green thumb.  Uh, these beings are not actually nothing.  Because Jesus said, “I say unto you, if these are to hold their peace, the very rocks shall cry out.”  And this proves that rocks must certainly have the capacity to cry out, and, if the rocks have it then certainly the plants have it.  And if the plants have it then certainly human beings have it.  

>>> Use the Decrees for Elemental Life Playlist to help the Elementals!

Do you understand that an elemental is a God-force in the lower order of nature that is more or less programmed to work with nature and elementals, in effect, die.  I don’t know if you understand this or not.  They marry and they have children and they die.  And they do not have immortal life.  And when, when an elemental dies the elemental is finished.  He goes back to the universal and all memory of that elemental is gone with it.  And this happens to be true.  And these are the fairies or the little people that the Irish have reported seeing at different times.  They are not a myth.”

>>> Watch the Dictations for Elemental Life, from the Four Hierarchs of the Elements.

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