Ascended Master Teachings

Your Direct Connection to the Ascended Masters


Never Weary in Well-Doing (Lessons of History)

“So this has been a long, long vigil with planet Earth, her evolutions, the children of the light–some of you have been here that long, some not quite so long.  But when you think about the fact that this is a conclusion of a 500-year, 500 thousand-year cycle of the Nephilim since they first arrived to their judgment in this hour, you realize–although it’s kind of almost difficult to realize–that we are truly living in a moment of supreme cosmic alchemy when the greatest revolution of all can take place, the turning around of the entire degeneration spiral that has been going on that long.  

Now pause for a moment and understand why we keep giving the judgment calls, why the reverse the tides, why the Astreas, why the violet flame, and why we never tire of it.  Because our souls understand we are pulling threads that go back a half a million years, and unless they are carefully pulled and the consciousness of the fallen ones judged we are apt to release too much sacred fire and destroy the very budding fabric of the soul consciousness of humanity which is in its infant stage–which is the very delicate child in the womb, or in the cradle of life.  

So only so much sacred fire can be absorbed each day by every man, woman, and child on this planet, and that sacred fire flushes out so much darkness. There are required cycles of sleep, cycles of nourishment, cycles of recreation so that the people of the planet can actually absorb in their physical cells the light we are invoking.  

God takes to judgment every single day as much planetary karma, a much, as much of the hordes of death and hell that can be removed without causing cataclysm for the very disturbance of civilization itself.  You think of yourself in a radical surgery where half of your body is taken out because it’s infected or diseased.  And what becomes of the body?  It may not even survive.

So that’s true of ascended master law and the saving of a civilization.  We have to understand that the goal of life is to preserve life, to preserve the opportunity of souls to evolve upon earth.  And so in preserving it God puts a brake on the release of the sacred fire.  As long as there are sons of God in embodiment to hold the balance there will not be planetary cataclysm.  There will be this gradual transmutation until finally the souls are elevated to the level of the Christ and they themselves can take the responsibility of keeping the Flame of Life.  

So you must never be weary in well-doing, you must never think it doesn’t matter if you decree, you must never feel that your decrees are not working mightily and powerfully in the planetary plan.  But it is a planetary plan.  It comes from the causal body of the Great Divine Director and all the great beings of light.  They know exactly what they are doing, and they need us to have the faith as well as the illumination to perceive our role, because our role is vital and indispensable to this event of the coming golden age.  

So we’re talking about the true revolution.  All of God’s revelation and actions which lead man back to the Edenic consciousness–and that’s the consciousness of your causal body–are part of the true revolution in history, the Revolution in Higher Consciousness.  The revolution is exactly that, the revolutions of the earth about the sun, the revolution of the soul around the central sun of the Christ Self.  The revolution is intended to accelerate, and as it accelerates the soul goes at a greater and greater intensity until it is revolving to the place where it goes up in higher consciousness. “

From the lecture “The Lessons of History” given May 5, 1980 during the conference Life Begets Life at Camelot, California by the Messenger  Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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